On Saturday 28th January 2023, the Year 5 Lego STEM Club went to a Lego competition at Perkins Engines (in Peterborough).
This was the cullmination of months of prepuration to represent the school in the First Lego League. The children had built, programmed and tested a lego robot that would complete missions on a designated board.
Then the children would need to give a presentation to a panel of judges on a way in which they would make a change to how we use water. Then, the children needed to work as a team to solve a problem and finally show how they demontrated the Lego League's Core Values. The children were amazing, they could not have worked any harder or represented themselves and the school in a better way.
They all spoke with confidence and worked together to get the best out of everything that they need to achieve. As a result, they got the award for Gracious Professionalism.
Mr Carter