The twelve years that I have worked at St Johns have been the most professionally and personally satisfying of my career.
Having started out as the Deputy Head and Year 6 teacher, I became the acting Head Teacher in January 2006 and was appointed permanent Head the following September. Now as the Executive Head I have overall responsibility for both St Johns and Winyates; a role with significant challenges, but one I enjoy immensely.
The partnership between these two schools has been hugely successful; we learn from each other, collaborate towards joint successes and the healthy competition between Winyates and St John’s has been a strong element in our continued academic and sporting success. The children at our school are some of the most talented and brilliant students in Peterborough, striving to be the best and to do the best they can. Of course they are taught by some of the most gifted teachers in Peterborough and supported by wonderfully able assistants who make a huge contribution to learning.
Our staff are thankful everyday that they work in such a caring, courageous school where every child has a gift and is a gift.
Reflecting on the progress and successes that we have achieved through the hard work and dedication of the whole school community since 2002, I am proud to have my name above the door and to be able to say that St John’s truly is a place where Together We Grow and Learn.