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The Governors meet regularly as a body and in committees to manage the school
The Chairperson, the Governors and the Clerk to the Governing Body may be contacted through the school.
Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocesan Authorities
The Diocesan Director of Education is:
Andrew Read
Bishop Woodford House
Barton Road
Our Governors

Mrs C Firth
Excutive Headteacher

Mrs S Tomkins
Clerk of Governors

Mrs A Taylor
Chair of Governors Winyates

Mrs J Moore
Chair of Governors St John's Church School

Mr S Reed
Vice Chair

Rev S Gower
Vice Chair

Mr R Colley

Mrs C Foster
Head of School

Mrs K Harwood
Chief Operating Officer

Mr S Hollingsworth
Staff Governor

Mrs C Menzies
Foundation Governor

Mrs F Markham
Staff Governor
A Governor's view
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