What a fantastic start to Year 5 we have had! We have immersed ourselves within our Victorian topic and our significant person, Queen Victoria.
This week, we have been gaining knowledge all about Queen Victoria's coronation and using our senses to imagine how she would have been feeling throughout the day. We had so much fun pretending to be Queen Victoria herself and answering questions we'd love to ask her if we could go back in time! We're all really excited to use this knowledge to help us write a diary from Queen Victoria's perspective next week!
Our history lessons then moved on to learn about the British Empire and we found out that England once owned parts of South America! We had great fun using our map skills in Geography to locate the countries of South America and were super resilient when putting together a South America puzzle. We're looking forward to the next stage of our learning journey when we will examine Ecuador's Galapagos Island's and learn all about another significant person from the Victorian times, Charles Darwin!