Living in life in all its fullness means we need to be learners wherever we are and in whatever we are doing and Year 3 has definitely had a week of discovery and bravery.
On Tuesday we visited the Mosque as part of our RE learning on Islam. We discovered a great deal about the Muslim faith. After removing our shoes, we toured the mosque and we were able to see and hear about what is important to Muslims in their faith. Listening to others and learning from them has helped us to make our own lives bigger.
So what about bravery? Well, on Friday, we led the whole school in Collective worship as a year group. Many parents were able to join us as we shared poetry, singing, drama and prayer to explore our Christian value of courage. The whole of year 3 pulled together as an epic team to show that not only are we courageous but we use our bravery to step out each day to learn and make our lives richer.