This week in PE the children have been continuing with their tennis and cricket lessons.
In cricket, children were using their revising skills when practising overarm bowling and also collaborating well on fielding.
In tennis, Key Stage 1 are using exploring skills to balance a ball on a racket, learning to tap ups and tap downs. All children have shown great attitude towards these sports.
Year 3/4 represented the school at a hockey festival on Thursday, all children showed great determination and teamwork which led them to win one of their games. They were given the determination award, which they were very proud of.
On Thursday, Year 5AB had their first water sports' session, some children were sailing and then the other children did bell boating and kayaking. The children were a credit to the school, despite the chilly conditions, they showed excellent readiness and resilience with everything they were asked to do. I look forward to the following 4 weeks that we have left in exploring more water sports activities.