On Tuesday 3rd April, Year 5 and 6 girls attended a local football fixture at Middleton Primary School.
The girls worked very hard and showed a great level of commitment throughout the match. Despite their best efforts, Middleton ended up 2-1 winners. The team played some fantastic football, considering this is the first time the girls have played together as a team on a competitive scene. All of the girls have shown a fantastic level of resilience, whilst also showcasing their collaboration skills. Well done to all the girls that took part, you are a credit to the school and should be very proud of yourselves!
Miss Braxton’s class had their second watersports afternoon this week, the paddling group explored canoeing using the paddling skills they had learnt on the first session.
The group were really good, they used excellent revising skills and were able to collaborate in their boats with their class members. Then the second part of the session involved revisiting and mastery kayaking in which the children were all able to independently paddle using good control and turn with confidence. The group played a game of kayak ‘tig’ at the end to finish off a really fantastic session. The class continues to be a credit to the school with their excellent readiness, respectfulness and being really responsible.
In PE lessons...
Classes in KS1 are learning about tennis and cricket, exploring key striking and fielding skills as well as mastering Kwik fire three games and tennis game situations. In Foundation, the classes are learning striking and fielding skills and athletics skills in preparation for sports' day. KS2 classes are learning about cricket and athletics, focusing on key skills required for track and field events as well as sports' day preparations. In cricket, the children will be learning to master the over-arm bowl and also key batting shots and fielding techniques.
PE Team