The amazing Spheros - Part 2
Today we were continuing to investigate the amazing Sphero robot. Now that we know the basics we were trying to be innovative and create new challenges. We responded really well and surprised ourselves. Once again our christian values were evident.
Mrs McLaughlin showed great courage as it was all new to her; Immanuels was a great example of hope because he refused to give up and eventually succeeded in his personal challenge (a value he has developed over his time at St Johns), Petra was very caring in the way she helped others and Daniel was very forgiving as he forgave others who crashed into his Sphero while he tried some difficult manoeuvres.
Our group is getting bigger which is great and shows our growing sense of belonging.
These are some of the words we used to sum up our experience today.
Interesting, excellent, innovative, exhilarating, fantastic, exciting, fun, creative and supreme.
"I really enjoyed the sense of excitement"
Mr Nay
Spending time with the children and parents together is always a pleasure but to be involved with moments like this is extra special. To see the children work as a team and share their learning and their new found skills is awesome. The joy of seeing parents tentatively having a go, much to the delight of their 'tech generation' children, is wonderful and a little funny too :o)
I cannot wait for next week, where we will push a little harder to learn more!
Mr Hollingsworth