We’re excited to invite you to take part in our Winter Reading Challenge alongside the Reading Agency's Winter Mini Challenge! It’s a fun way for kids to keep reading over the winter while earning certificates and prizes! These should have been shared with your child before Christmas.
How It Works:
Each step needs to be signed off by a parent or teacher. Be sure to share your child’s progress on Learning With Parents.
Start with the Bronze Challenge. Once they complete it, share it with us, and we’ll give them their certificate. Then, they can move on to the Silver Challenge and Gold Challenge. There will be extra prizes for completing all three!
Your child has from December until the February half-term to complete the Winter Reading Challenge.
Travel the World with Books! Each year group has a special destination. As your child completes each reading objective, they’ll get closer to their destination:
Reception: Peterborough to Lapland
Y1 & Y2: Peterborough to Poland
Y3 & Y4: Peterborough to Alaska
Y5 & Y6: Peterborough to the Arctic
Get Started Now! You can also head to wintermini.org.uk to sign up to the Winter Challenge by the Reading Agency and start reading! Let’s make this winter full of fun and reading!