Dear Parents and Carers
Trying to educate children at home is a huge challenge and I know many people are finding it really difficult.
Please don’t worry or let it overwhelm you.
Using the children’s google account we are uploading work every week for children to work through. We have on the website all sorts of other ideas or websites that you can access and have a go at. I know that children in EYFS have work uploaded onto tapestry and that there are phonic uploads and stories to be heard.
Of course this is all only possible if your children are willing to have a go.
We understand that this can be really overwhelming so we have asked teachers in the next two weeks to start calling home and having a chat with the children and parents to support with work and mental health. We are hoping that this will motivate children to have a go as best as they can. When staff call you it will come through as an unknown number.
We are also asking our support staff to contact children and try to run small groups or to hear children read over the phone.
All parents and children have access to class emails so that any queries can be picked up by the class teacher.
Please try other things like using the craft bag, playing in the garden or trying some of the ideas on the forest school part of the website.
As yet we have no idea when the return to school is likely, certainly it will not be in the near future, so just do what you can to keep learning going a little and to keep calm.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
Mrs Firth