Dear parents and carers,
Well we certainly have been on a journey together! March seems like such a long time ago, so much has happened and school life has been so very different.
The education of children is a team sport, this year more than ever we have all had our part to play. It has been fast paced, we have had to keep ahead of the thinking and be adaptable and agile. Children, parents and staff have had to be hugely resilient and resourceful thinking on their feet and as my Mum would say “making a good job out of a sad state of affairs”. We think you have all done an amazing job!
Another colleague asked me if I thought we had been successful during the lockdown - its been tough on everyone but I hope that we have maintained a feeling of love within our community!
I am sure that the children who have been in school have enjoyed building on relationships and creating new ones. Throwing themselves with gusto back into school life and learning has been a joy to watch. We have been delighted with all your feedback, thank you. We have been so thankful for the positive comments that have spurred us on and the constructive feedback which we have used to improve what we do. We are very firm believers in partnerships.
Certainly during this time we have learnt a great deal and we want to take this and build upon it. Parents tell us they have enjoyed being part of their children’s learning and understanding more of what is being taught. We hope to continue that partnership by streaming some live learning to parents in the new academic year.
It has been a delight dropping into online lessons and seeing both children in school and at home accessing the same work. We cannot wait to devise innovative ways to build these partnerships with our community.
September will bring new challenges and new opportunities, we will all get used to a new way of working. We continue to work towards our purpose document which you can find on our website. It is unashamedly ambitious! We look forward to seeing the completed summer projects all linked to our big question for the autumn term - What makes us who we are? We will be using this question to drive our curriculum, inspiring curiosity and compelling children to dig deeper into their personal identity.
We have new staff joining us in September and this is all part of our plan to reduce class sizes and create the right atmosphere for success. This year our children did not get their chance to take their SATs and they were disappointed about that because they would have exceeded last year’s results which as you know put us at the top of the league table. The year 6 worked incredibly hard and their academic prowess will shine at secondary school.
A couple of goodbyes...
I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to Spencer Richmond, he really has been an inspiration to all. He has made wonderful connections with children and developed a real passion for sport in many, I wish him all the very best in his future. I am sorry to see you go.
Mrs Trolove, Mrs Prentice, Miss Mason and Mrs Joubert are all looking forward to time with their babies next year and we look forward to their return.
When we return in September, staggered starts and finishes will continue, this is inline with Government health and safety rules. We know some of you will find this difficult, please bear with us.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely summer holiday and some well deserved time away from home education. Have a wonderful and safe holiday.
Onwards and upwards
Mrs Firth Executive Head