New drop off and pick up arrangements from Monday 21st September
Thank you for your patience and working with us so far this year to ensure a ‘Covid-safe’ drop off and pick up for children and parents across school. We are pleased to let you know
that, following our review this week, we are able to improve this to extend the children’s learning time in school and reduce the time it takes parents/carers to drop off and pick up children from multiple year groups.
All parents have been emailed today, explaining the new arrangements for their child's/childrens' specific class/es.
These new arrangements will begin from next week (Monday 21 st September). The current arrangements will remain in place until then.
Could we also remind you that we are asking that only one adult comes to the gate for drop off and pick up, to reduce the number of people moving around school. Please also be aware that parents/carers will not be able to access Peanut Park between 8am-3:20pm from Monday 21st September.
Thank you, in advance, for your continued support.