We have noticed an increase in recent weeks of the number of parents and carers accessing the school office, largely due to late arrivals, late pick-ups and forgotten forest school kit/lunchboxes/water bottles etc.
It is so important that we all maintain high level of vigilance in keeping each other safe through the times ahead. The staggered drop-off and pick-up times at different gates have been designed to enable social distancing and the maintenance of class bubbles - it is critical that these continue to be adhered to in order to continue to protect and keep each other safe. Please make every effort to ensure that you arrive on time, at the correct gate for your child’s class, and that they have all of their belongings with them upon entry to school.
In exceptional circumstances, should you miss your time to drop off or pick up at the allocated gates and need access via the school office, please be sure to adhere to the 3 protocols displayed on the attached poster.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and shared responsibility - together, we can find a way through this pandemic, through keeping each other safe. We all have the same goal - to keep children and staff in school, achieving, learning and growing! Giving staff and class bubbles the space they need will give us the best possible chance to achieve this.