On Thursday 12th October 2023, we will have Lily Woodham visit our school. Lily is a footballer for Reading ladies and is a 11 times capped welsh international.
Lily will be holding an assembly about her Journey to getting where she did today, including barriers she had to overcome as well as the importance of resilience and ensuring we never give up. As part of her visit, Lily shall be working with the children to complete a workout in their individual classes,
Sponsorship Forms will be sent home for children to be sponsored to compete their workout. Each childs individual sponsorship target will be £1.07p.
We also have an online CrowdFunder Page where you can keep track of how the the fundraiser is progressing!
The QR code found on the form will be linked to our page. The Crowdfunder is live and can be found here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/stjohnschurchschool
We look forward to your continued support for both the school and all of the children!
PE Department'